Wild Fibres natural fibres
Rakestraw spinner and arthritis

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Using a Rakestraw spinner with arthritis or painful fingers

Here are some suggestions to help those of you with painful fingers or with severe arthritis or similar conditions. Don’t stop spinning; the solution is to find a comfortable grip that allows you to hold the Rakestraw spinner very lightly and to spin with very little pressure.

Holding a Rakestraw spinner 01

Holding a Rakestraw spinner 02

Holding a Rakestraw spinner 03

Holding a Rakestraw spinner 04

Holding a Rakestraw spinner 05

Holding a Rakestraw spinner 06

The first two photos (01 & 02) show a comfortable and easy to use hand position for those with arthritis. The handle can be held with so little grip pressure that many who have joint problems have adopted it. The index finger is placed on the handle so there is very little extra space for the spinner. You'll note in the photo what little space there is between the Rakestraw spinner blade and the ball.

This also has the advantage of stabilising the spinner, and, once you master spinning with this hold, you'll find that the arrangement provides such a balance that spinning takes very little effort. Note that in the second photo (02), the fingers are not really holding the handle; the handle is more cradled between the thumb and the middle finger — the less pressure the better.

Photos 03 and 04 worked with one customer who found it painless to grasp the handle lightly in this way. This may work for you or not – try it out.

The last 2 photos (05 & 06) show an alternative method of holding the Rakestraw that works for one spinner with severe arthritis and who has had carpal surgery. She can spin for hours.

Buy the Rakestraw SpinnerWhatever holding method is chosen, the secret is to learn to spin with very little holding pressure. The Rakestraw Spinner can be spun while almost lying in the grip.

Back to the main Rakestraw spinner page - Buy a Rakestraw spinner!.

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Teresinha at Wild Fibres
Studio I-319, Scott House, The Custard Factory
Gibb Street, Birmingham B9 4DT, UK

Contact Teresinha for enquiries on
Tel:  +44 (0)7979 770865
email: info@wildfibres.co.uk

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Last updated on 25 July 2019
Website and photos by Mike Roberts © 2008-19 Wild Fibres